Before You Begin
Make sure that you have a fresh, clean installation of Ubuntu 6.06 LTS (Server) prepared on the computer you are planning to run Zimbra. You can follow our HowTo: Install Ubuntu 6.06 LTS (Server) in order to prepare your server installation.
You will also need to install a few extra packages not included in the default installation.
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get -y install perl libidn11 curl fetchmail libpcre3 libgmp3c2 libexpat1 libxml2 openssl
Configuring the Hostname
While this step is not required, I strongly recommend that you make an entry in your hosts file to allow for easy DNS resolution of the host name. To make this change you need to open the "/etc/hosts" file with a text editor and add an entry for your hostname.
sudo pico /etc/hosts localhost hostname.domain.tld hostname
Then simply save and exit ("Ctrl + X").
Setting up DNS
Before your server will be useful you will need to make some DNS changes to the domain name you're going to configure. Zimbra can manage domain for multiple domain names, but external mail servers need a pointer in order to know which server handles mail for the given domain. In our example we will be configuring the server to handle mail for "". Given this information we will need to make sure there is an MX record set up for "" in DNS that points to the server's IP address.
The MX record you'll want to configure for "" is as follows:
@ MX 5
You'll also want to set up an "A" record for the "mail" host on "" that points to your external IP address.
mail A
At you simply log into your account. Then go to edit the domain name of your choice. Once in edit mode click the "Total DNS Control" option (you'll have to scroll down and look on the left). In the DNS manager you can now add an MX record for the "@" host that points to your external IP address. If all of this sounds foreign to you then check the HowTo's on how to set up a web server using Ubuntu 6.06 LTS Server for more information on how to forward ports, configure DNS, and set up daemons.
Download and Install
After you have prepared your server install you'll need to download the Zimbra email suite. The download link is as follows:
Download URL:
You can also use the following to start the installation:
sudo wget --continue -O /tmp/zcs.UBUNTU6.tgz \
cd /usr/local/src
sudo tar -zxf /tmp/zcs.UBUNTU6.tgz
cd ./zcs
sudo ./
You'll be asked several questions during the install. Here is a list:
#> Press Return to continue
#> Install zimbra-ldap [Y] yes
#> Install zimbra-logger [Y] yes
#> Install zimbra-mta [Y] yes
#> Install zimbra-snmp [Y] yes
#> Install zimbra-store [Y] yes
#> Install zimbra-spell [Y] yes
#> The system has been modified. Continue? [N] yes
Depending on your network configuration you may be asked if you want to change your hostname.
#> DNS ERROR resolving hostname.domain.tld
#> It is suggested that the hostname be resolveable via DNS
#> Change hostname [Yes] yes
#> Please enter the logical hostname for this host [hostname.domain.tld]
#> DNS ERROR resolving MX for
#> It is suggested that the domain name have an MX record configured in DNS
#> Change domain name? [Yes] no
The "MX" record it is asking you for is so that other email servers know where to send mail destined for "". Since we're configuring this to be "" there is no need for an MX record on the hostname. NOTE: You MUST add/update the MX record on "" in order to receive mail.
At this point you need to set a few values in order to have the server start up correctly. The only one that is required to be set is the Administrator's password. This can be set by choosing option "6" from the main menu and then option "4" from the "zimbra-store" menu.
#> Password for (min 6 characters): [dXGV_DAI] administrator
Type "r" to return to the main menu.
Once you have the configuration complete message showing you can type "a" to apply the settings.
#> *** CONFIGURATION COMPLETE - press 'a' to apply
#> Select from menu, or press 'a' to apply config (? - help) a
#> Save configuration data to a file? [Yes] yes
#> Save config in file: [/opt/zimbra/config.10720] /opt/zimbra/config.saved.default
#> The system will be modified - continue? [No] yes
#> Notify Zimbra of your installation? [Yes] no
If everything went right then you can now access your administration screen at
You'll want to note the "https" instead of the "http". You may also need to change the "" to the IP address of the server on which you installed zimbra.
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